Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Godfrey-Lee Tech Department: A Year in Review

The Godfrey-Lee Tech Department has been extremely busy this year. This was my first year serving the district in the capacity of Technology Coordinator and I couldn't have been more happy with what we accomplished. Below is a lengthy list of our accomplishments, I usually try to keep my postings short, but I couldn't find a better way to list our proud moments for the year. For more information on our department, please visit tech.godfrey-lee.org.

Successful PBL Training
Sarah Wood (Tech Integration) and Kelly McGee (District Media Specialist) organized a productive and inspiring training for Middle School teachers revolving around Project Based Learning. Many of the teachers in attendance were thrilled at the format and used many of the examples shown in their own classrooms.

Implemented 150 New Wireless Devices in 6th Grade 1:1 initiative
As part of the district’s One-to-One initiative, we purchased, unboxed and imaged 150 new Dell Latitude 2120 netbooks with Jim Klein’s latest Ubermix image. These devices were used in the 6th Grade classrooms. Godfrey-Lee has approximately 240 additional devices used in 7th and 8th Grade in accordance with the 1:1 initiative.

Welcomed a New AV Tech
As I made the transition into this position, I knew I needed to find a replacement that can relate to the teachers and truly cares about this district and its vision. I recommended and the Board approved the hire of Mr. Jason Faasse. Jason is a graduate of Godfrey-Lee Public Schools and was/is heavily involved in district activities and events. Since his hiring, Jason has proved to be a valuable member of this team and embodied everything I needed as a supervisor.

2nd Annual RebelU Conference
The Tech and Media Team held its second annual RebelU Ed Tech conference for district teachers and administrators. Thanks to the leading efforts of Sarah Wood, the conference was very successful and many teachers walked away overwhelmed by the abundant knowledge that was available. We certainly can’t wait until RebelU 2012, I promise it will be the best one yet!

Implemented two new carts (30) at Elementary
At Godfrey Elementary, the Tech and Media team deployed two mobile carts with 30 Dell Latitude 2120 netbooks in each cart. Now there is one mobile cart per grade level in the building. This expansion of devices allowed the flexibility for teachers to schedule computer time between grade levels instead of building wide check-outs.

Welcomed a New Network Administrator
Our previous Network Administrator left Godfrey-Lee for a great opportunity working with a local College. He contributed so much to the success of the district and we really needed someone who could maintain or exceed those standards. After a thorough interview process, I recommended and the Board approved the hire of Mr. Jesse Burrows. Jesse came well qualified and seemed to jump right into the action at GLPS. Since his hire, Jesse has been working extremely hard revamping our infrastructure and following the district’s vision for future success.

Implemented 1 cart (30) Google Chromebooks
Every year we evaluate which mobile device is most effective for our students and staff. Working with the Dell Netbooks has been an up and down process and ultimately we feel that we can provide our users with a better device. We decided to give Google a try and we deployed a cart of 30 Samsung Chromebooks in the Middle School. We received mixed reactions from our pilot with these devices which only allow access to Google’s Chrome web browser. I personally love the devices, but we still needed something more comprehensive; something that everyone can be productive on.

Switched Internet Service Providers
As part of the Kent Intermediate School District, we were able to participate in a consortium pricing plan provided by AT&T. We were able to make a successful transition thanks to the help of the ISD. Not only were we able to save some money on our Internet bill, but we were able to maintain our 50 Mbps up/down bandwidth pipe.

Successfully Subnetted District
Trying to manage a large network with no subnets is extremely difficult. It was hard to troubleshoot network issues and provide efficient networking for many of our users. With subnetting, we essentially put a “circuit breaker” on our network splitting it up into individual networks defined by buildings. This will make our network far more efficient by helping us troubleshoot issues and differentiate our IP pool.

Purchased iPads for All Administrators
Communication is an important aspect of any workplace and since our administrators are constantly on the move, we decided to provide them with iPads. These devices will allow them to stay mobile and collaborate with other administrators whether they are in the district or not.

Implemented New Devices for RTI Program
Scholastic Read180 and System44 programs have yielded amazing results in our district. The district decided to expand the program in our Elementary building and we were able to deploy Dell Latitude E6420 Laptops and utilize some existing desktops to support this remarkable program.

Replaced Teacher Devices with Mobile Laptops at ELC
James Jensen (Principal of East Lee Campus HS), in an attempt to make his teachers more mobile, worked with the Tech Department to bring in Dell Laptops for all of his teachers. This is the first step in increasing technology infrastructure to provide a blended learning environment for his students and staff.

Added Multi-Purpose Mobile Laptops at HS Media Center
The HS Media Center has seen some amazing transformations over the last couple years. Kelly McGee (District Media Specialist) has designed the Media Center to function as a multi-purpose learning environment. To accommodate his vision, we implemented 15 Mobile Laptops to be used within the Media Center for educational use.

Integrated New District Website
Emily Truax played an integral role in designing the districts new website which is far more user and mobile friendly. The website was designed with assistance from Edline and is an aesthetic upgrade from our previous site.

Refreshed network switches at GEL
Some of the oldest switches in the district resided at Godfrey-Elementary which badly needed to be upgraded. Although we were planning to upgrade all of our switches in the Summer, we just couldn’t wait. We decided to have them implemented ahead of schedule.

Replaced Admin Workstations with High Powered Models
Most of the district’s operations are located at our Administrative Central Office where most of the work completed there requires a dependable computer. We upgraded for machines with higher processing power and dual monitors to handle the multitasking workload our admin staff are required to perform.

Completed 3 year Tech Plan for District
This April, I completed the district’s 3 year Tech Plan and it since has been approved by our Board of Education, the Kent ISD and the Michigan Department of Education. This plan will help guide our decisions for the next 3 years and serve as a living document representing the successes and efforts to promote student achievement.

Revamped Wireless Controller Settings to Handle Mobile Devices
With the increase in Mobile Computing Devices, we needed to ensure that our wireless controller could handle the workload of all the devices. We consulted with an outside group to provide expert advice on how we could adjust the settings of our controller to provide the best wireless experience for our end users.

Signed a 4 year deal with Apple Inc.
Over the last 3 years we have been purchasing Dell 2100 series netbooks for our secondary one-to-one initiative and we have not been amazed with the performance. We knew we needed a more comprehensive device that was not only a consumption device, but a device that encouraged productivity through creativity. We decided to provide our 8th grade teachers and 5 High School teachers with MacBook Pros and their students with MacBook Airs. These devices will be paid for over the next 4 years through a lease agreement. After the 4 years, we have the option to keep the devices or sell them back to Apple for upgraded devices. This option will allow us to keep our current budget but provide more devices to our staff and students, essentially doing more with what we’ve been given.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Welcome to Vision First, my personal blog about my experiences working with Technology in Education. Hopefully you will find the content on this page to be helpful, informational or at the very least...entertaining. Obviously in the world of technology, things don't always go as planned, but having a solid vision aligned with contingency clauses is key to coming out alive on the end.

I see way too many educational institutions spending a crazy amount of money on Technology because it looks fun and shiny. That's something that consumers in the general public do, that shouldn't be a practice in education. In education it is not only about consuming information, but creating, innovating and sharing it with the rest of the world.

I always ask myself the same questions... Do I have a plan for this technology? How is it going to improve student achievement? How am I going to measure if it is or it isn't? How am I going to ensure that this technology is creating opportunities for the majority and not restricting them to certain tools or ideologies?

Am I putting Vision First?