Tuesday, March 26, 2013

MACUL 2013

On March 21st and 22nd, I attended the MACUL conference in Detroit, Michigan. There were many great sessions throughout both days and Kevin Honeycutt gave an outstanding keynote as usual. On day 1, I had the opportunity to present alongside Chris Scott, educator at Santa Ynez Schools in California, on Ubermix. On day 2, I was able to present alongside my own team on building effective professional development. Both presentations went amazingly well and I loved talking with folks from other school districts.

Looking back at the conference, it was so astonishing to see so many passionate educators in one place. I wish the rest of the world could see how valuable these teachers and administrators are and how much they care about the education process. Instead, these educators are having to justify themselves to the public and fight for their classrooms. I for one, have realized the value of an educator and I am inspired to stand with these professionals and work together to bring the best education possible to our community.