Sunday, December 10, 2017

Bullying is not OK!

A recent article published by the Huffington Post talks about a young boy from Knoxville, Tennessee named Keaton Jones who is a victim of bullying at his school. His Mother shared an emotional video of him crying and discussing how the kids in his school were bullying him. The video which has now gone viral has captured the attention of many people including several celebrities and organizations who have come to the defense of Keaton and are advocating change. Other business have also responded offering trips and once-in-a-liftime opportunities for Keaton and his family.

The response and call for support is an example of how companies are using real life events like this to not only influence change in the world, but highlight the values of the company and build relationships with the community. An organization is more than just an entity existing for the benefit of themselves. The most reputable organizations are those who know when to take a stance on an issue and promote good around the world. One article published by Fast Company, states that organizations have an, "opportunity to join issue conversations on equal footing to more traditional advocacy voices. And, increasingly, brands aim to nurture customer relationships that are lifelong, built not just on product features but also on shared cultural values." (Mintz, 2016) Issues like this are an opportunity for a company to show who they really are. 

This particular case relates back to the Public Relations technique of Community Relations. Bullying is a serious issue in our schools today. It is going to take some brave people and organizations to step up and help advocate for protections and support for those who are affected by bullying. A company should have the moral ambition to be more than an organization, but a beacon of hope and support for the community it exists in. Keaton's story is a touching reminder that we are a human and we should support each other and build one another up, and Public Relations can be the vehicle for that change. 

Mintz, R. (2016). Companies, Don’t Be Afraid To Take A Stand: It Can Be Good For Your Brand. In Fast Company. Retrieved from

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